Before you get into the benefits of email marketing, you need to understand one simple fact. Whether it’s social media marketing or search engine marketing, you are dependent on a third-party platform to get targeted traffic to your website. Even though you are ready to pay, you can never be sure of its intentions. In other words, what will you do if tomorrow Google decides to ban your website from SERPs? If you are solely dependent on it for traffic and sales, then you are going to have a tough time in that case. However, if you know email marketing, you can handle this situation comfortably. Simply get in touch with an email marketing expert individual or agency and purchase a quality email list that can directly put you in touch with your targeted customers.
In this way, you don’t have to rely on Google to send traffic to your website. You can contact your prospects directly, pitch them your services, and prompt them to buy from you. This direct process offers a better conversion rate, takes lesser time, and requires very negligible investment. So, stop stressing upon SEO/SMM and get into email marketing as soon as possible.